
Wednesday, January 30, 2019


Such a sweet flow
A release from
The swirling nonsensical notion
How the loss of such consciousness
Is but received so anxiously
And now
Grasping at the idea of ephemeralness
I can only welcome ardently,
For many a supposition already consumes me.

Sunday, January 27, 2019


Such a sweet flow
A release from the swirling
Nonsensical notion
How the loss of such consciousness
Is but received so anxiously
And now
Grasping at the idea of ephemeralness
I can only welcome ardently
For many a suppositions already consume me.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Deep End

So stoic
This facade you’ve shapely stacked, bricked
Allowing but a trickle, the few
To dip but a toe in your shallows,
But only the shallows
The remnant particles, the dust from your walls
A cursory taste,
Leaving the imprudent satiated
Yet the judicious crave your depths
Alas, your deep end is not to be conceded.


To the artist, the creator
I am quite positive that you yourself know of such inner turmoil
The struggle in your depths of acceptance
The consent that your work might be worthwhile
Not to the masses in general,
For the aggregate opinions are merely food for thought,
But worthwhile to you, yourself
So I solicit to you
Please, do not look so intimately,
For you will veritably glance my flaws,
That then become immeasurable foibles,
And none shall venture into the deep end.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Social or Anti-Social Media...A Black Hole

        Is social media, in fact, the opposite of what it implies? Is it an all out misnomer or has our image of 'society' just completely transformed, or mutated rather, from a toxic pool of self-importance?  

        Social media in general, is supposed to be a means of keeping in touch with the past and present, old and new, is it not?  Oh, but let's not forget that it has also turned into everyone's soapbox and sounding board.  Now don't get me wrong, I am not wholly against social media...  Now wouldn't that be something!  A blogger blogging about how social media has made everyone think that their opinion matters and have become overly self-important! Who wants to talk hypocrisy at it's finest! Ha!

        I am all for being able to get up on my high-horse once in a while but must remain cognizant that it does not come without it's consequences. That one must beware not to slip into it's black hole....

        Imagine a high-school reunion; past friends and lovers. As in high-school, social media seems to be a competition of who has the most friends, who is popular, who can disillusion the most unsuspecting souls to believe in their cause. People are so caught up in having the most ‘likes’ that they will reach out to their past, even to people they wouldn’t befriend in person, just to feel important.  They will “undervalue and unmend” their physical relationships in order to stay current with their online world.

        Has the digital domain become so important? More than that of our physical, tangible world? I sure as hell hope not. I admit, I'm not a phone talker, I'm not a grocery store line chit-chatter, but in all honesty I rather be forced to be social in the check-out line than to know people are purposely ignoring their surroundings just to check their instragram account to see how many likes their well filtered picture of their abs have gotten them.

        Ok, ok now that you've stopped cursing me...I have made the ab pic post. I know. I have my issues, I admit that.  Who doesn't want tenacious admiration for a picture one knows that they got the best lighting, best filter they could? Isn't this what we all struggle with? Don don don!!!! Body image! Yep, I said it and you know it. Why the hell else do we post pictures of ourselves for the world to judge? We all want justification for how we look from everyone else but ourselves.

        Of course it's cliche. Why the hell would I be writing about it if it weren't a buzzword?  How audacious we become in the virtual world.  As a former archaeology student, what happened to just plain survival? Has acceptance from strangers become the new continuance in this world? Is this the new 'survival of the fittest'? Survival of who seems the most fittest in the best light with the X-Pro II filter?

        Yes, I am judging, but from the view of someone who struggles from being judged. Or at least from the perception of always being judged. And that's probably my downfall.  And in the end, probably 90 some-odd percent of the population.  Let's just admit it, we body shame ourselves. We really don't need to worry about others doing it, we do enough on our own!

                Social media makes those who are normally non-confrontational start to become opinionated and those who are already outspoken become even more exaggerated.  It turns into ‘he said, she said’ gossip, much like what we experienced as children and teenagers.

                Should we feel bad about our own possible overuse of social media?  The pursuit to become famous online might overshadow the shame one feels for abandoning their real life.  In addition, people seem to have no shame and post everything about their personal lives.  The line “Let one’s search for God become public domain” says to me that every little thing a person is going through, every feeling they are feeling, every battle they are fighting is broadcasted to the world.  Nothing is off limits, nothing is sacred anymore. People have become self-important and have this notion that everything they are doing, not doing, or eating is something that the world should know about.  And it should be liked, by all of their friends and friends of friends.

                In the end, the term ‘social media’ is a bit of a misnomer.  To be social is to seek the companionship of others. It is to be involved in society. I suppose it is not such a misnomer but that our sense of ‘society’ has changed.  To engage in society and build relationships is now viewed as more of an online activity than a physical one.  However, the more social one becomes online, the more alienated they become from society as it relates to engaging physically.  Facebook has become the “altar of loneliness”.  People strive to become worshipped online in exchange for alienation from the physical world. Even in the physical presence of others, we constantly check our phones to see the progress of our popularity; have we successfully over-inflated our importance today?

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Recurrent Recovery

        So I decided to get a tattoo, surprise...Yes, another one.  It took a little bit to decide what design I wanted but I think, for me, it couldn't have been more clear once I found it. I got a dumbbell with the NEDA symbol (NEDA is the National Eating Disorder Association). I've been struggling for a long while, my whole life I suppose, with my relationship with food. I know I'm not alone, in fact too many of us have issues. But, in the end, we all feel alone. 

        I eat when I'm bored, lonely, sad, angry (maybe not angry because I'm stubborn), and just because. Why is it so hard to just eat when hungry and stop when full? I have struggled with this conundrum my whole existence.  Recently, I've started wondering if I will ever be 'normal' in this sense.  Can't my mind just realize that food is fuel and nothing more? Unfortunately, no I don't think I will ever be on the same plane as some...BUT I know it gets better with time and with practice.  Willpower is something that needs to recharge once in awhile and I realize that I can't push it too far...And maybe, just maybe, I shouldn't be so hard on myself sometimes.

        I'll be the first to admit that I am not the best at dealing with those pesky things called feelings. I'd much rather feel physical, tangible pain than mental/emotional/intangible pain.  Maybe that's why, partly, I ended up with a majority of my tattoos when my husband was deployed to a not-so-hospitable locale back in 2012 (surprise baby!). Although, I can't deny that I might err on the side of the right brain more than the our body not a canvas in which we create art? But anyway...

        Getting into lifting has made a has helped for sure... and absolutely meeting my coach has changed my perspective more than I could ever realize on my own.  She gets it and literally ensures me that I am not alone. The ridiculous emotions and feelings that try to control my psyche are unfounded. The gym has turned into my therapist (physical pain that can be justified)...the struggle in the weight room has replaced some of the struggle I have with food and my body. I still struggle and I know I always will (we always will) but I now know I have the strength to beat the shit out of it and show food that it's my bitch and not the other way around (if I choose to). There's no cure, yeah you read that right, but I believe it does get just have to find a passion. Not to mention the more you lift, the more you can eat ;)....

      But seriously, I hope I can inspire someone and I hope by me finding the courage to admit to a difficult issue will help someone else along the way, yes it's cliché but hell it's the truth. I also want to take this moment to thank my coach and also my friend @addingpins for her unconditional support, empathy and just awesomeness.  Her and her fiance (Yay!) @MrStackingPlates, understand the struggle and are always there for me no matter what their situation is. They have such wise and caring hearts it's ridiculous <3... If I can change one person's life like they've changed mine then every struggle, every pain, every thing was worth it..she's also batman...shhh...

        In the end, this is life, this is how it is and it's up to my crazy-ass to figure out how to deal with it...and yours if you so choose!! 

        PS. I have a cankle right now, thank you body for swelling ridiculously every time I get inked :/

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Shut the Door

The burn
The breath
Welcome the masochist

Be clear of the fervor

Ask why
Say no
Act a credible show

Quiet mind
Quiet hand
An organized bedlam

Paint nails
Resist fails
To restrain this impel?

Maybe I'm just septic

I'm frayed
Not as portrayed
I've regretfully strayed

Do I remain prostrated?

Through a magnified glass
I offer my ass for contention
Atone me of my crass?
I am realizing my accession

It's a boundless course
A tightrope balanced
An abiding force
They'll say I survided